Westwood Dog Services

Dog Walking, Let-out Visits, Training Walks

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Westwood Dog Services

Dog Walking, Let-out Visits, Training Walks

Westwood Dog Services

Dog Walking, Let-out Visits, Training Walks

Westwood Dog Services

Dog Walking, Let-out Visits, Training Walks

Westwood Dog Services

Dog Walking, Let-out Visits, Training Walks


Westwood Dog Services offers:

Prices as of 9/1/2022

  • 20 to 30 minute walk $28
  • 15 to 20 minute Letout into yard $23 ($5 for each additional dog)
  • Pickup/Dropoff in service area $28
  • 10% holiday fee for services spanning a holiday or over a holiday week

New as of 3/1/2024

  • 30-minute Training walk $50